Well George, I'd rather be a macaca than a Republican.
And George, when you lose the election, you can talk nasty all you want, and nobody will give a damn. Won't that be nice?
You betcha!!
Well George, I'd rather be a macaca than a Republican.
And George, when you lose the election, you can talk nasty all you want, and nobody will give a damn. Won't that be nice?
You betcha!!
(09-24) 04:00 PDT Washington -- A stark assessment of terrorism trends by U.S. intelligence agencies has found that the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq has helped spawn a new generation of Islamic radicalism and that the overall terrorist threat has grown since the Sept. 11 attacks.
well DUH!!!
Any damn fool could have predicted this. It would seem though that we're not governed by any ordinary damn fools.
US Sends Elderly Widow Back to Germany
While the president advocates the torture of prisoners of war, the United States has deported an 84 year old widow to Germany because she had been a guard at a prison camp during WW2.
Am I missing something here?
Or not?
"Yesterday a Canadian commission of inquiry released a 1,204-page report relating to the case of Maher Arar, a Canadian wireless technology consultant, who was snatched by U.S. agents at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York City and transported to Syria, where, for ten months, he was kept in a six-foot by three-foot cell, before being transferred to a collective cell. Under torture, he confessed to being an Islamist extremist who attended a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan. In reality, not only was Arar not an Islamist terrorist, but he had never even been to Afghanistan. He was ultimately released without charge and the Canadian commission affirmed that he was completely innocent."
This would seem to be what our evangelical "Christian" president believes is the moral path to follow, Are we to descend into the hellish depths that our enemies inhabit, and still believe that we are better than they?
Who is writing this guy's speeches, Karl Rove? Has he never heard of the Crusades? Talk about violence. Has he never heard of European colonialism in Muslim countries in the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries? There couldn't be a worse time to make the references he made.
All of our hands are bloody. Will they ever be clean?
"On an audio file, the governor, who is seeking re-election in November, was heard bantering with aides about a state lawmaker's ethnicity and saying Cubans and Puerto Ricans have "hot blood" because of a mixture of African and Latino roots. Schwarzenegger quickly apologized for the remarks."
The Govenator may be right. After all, he's from Austria, the birthplace of Adolf Hitler and Nazi-ism. We all know that all Austrian politicians are Nazis. So let it be with Arnold.
Neither of these radical groups, given full power would honor the Constitution, especially the following:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Amendment 1 of the Constitution of the United States is in danger from any radical group that gains excessive power. Both radical groups of which I speak hate this Amendment, popularly known as the "Freedom of Religion" amendment.
In my way of thinking, freedom OF religion implys freedom FROM religion, and the persecution that comes from any radical theology/philosophy that has full power over the people.
Beware! Freedom may be in danger.
It doth appear that Karl Rove, the Joseph Goebbels of the Bush administration has decided that hurling the epithet "fascist" in all directions will turn the poll tide back in the Republics favor. I say "Republics", because they have decided that the Democratic Party is to be called the Democrat Party. BTW, I'm a small d democrat, and I belong to the DEMOCRATIC Party
Back to "fascism". Seems to me that the Republics hollering about fascism is a case of, "it takes one to know one".
----------------once again we can look into the mirror, and a blankfaced idiot stares back.
Iraq was Iran's natural enemy, and in the past we have played it that way. Now, because of our invasion of Iraq, the deposing of Saddam, and the creation of conditions that are degenerating into civil war, we haven't gained power in the area, we have lost it.
In Iraq, our military is mired in a near impossible situation, in which winning is very unlikely. In Washington, our "leadership" suffers from advanced crainial-rectal insertion syndrome while the world situation deteriorates.
"When will they ever learn"?