Friday, April 14, 2006

Time for Rummy to go, and--------

Bush Gives Rumsfeld Strong Show of Support

By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent

Friday, April 14, 2006


------------time for his boss to go also.

Civilian control of the military as provided by the Constitution gives the President the additional title as Commander-in-Chief. 

Further more, the President has the authority to appoint the Secretary of Defense to implement this Constitutional duty.. 

This power has had it's high moments and it's low moments. One of the highest moments was when Harry (the buck stops here) Truman fired the arrogant and disobedient General Douglas MacArthur.

The low point seems to be here and now, as an incompetant president gives full support to an incompetant defense secretary. Never before have so many generals retired, and then have spoken out with stinging criticism of the secretary. What is it about this scenario that Bush doesn't get?

How many more must die before we are rid of this unholy duo? How will history view this long after we are gone? It won't be pretty.


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