I hope all you folks out there that elected Big Oil to the White House are not among the millions whining about the price of gasoline.
WHAT---- DID---- YOU---- EXPECT----?
Lot's of the whining is about finding and drilling for more oil.
WAKE UP dummies. Oil is a finite resource. You can't grow more. When it's gone, goodby suckers.
It's time to stop burning oil, because of two reasons. You can't replace it, and the environment in which we all must live is permanently degraded.
It's way overdue to think about saving oil for it's most useful purpose, lubrication. Without proper lubrication, most machines will grind to a halt.
The key to the problem is to burn renewable energy resources that are minimally polluting, while developing energy sources that are absolutely non-polluting and perpetually renewable.
Another goofy liberal idea.