Tuesday, January 3, 2006

How the mighty have fallen,----------------

-------------or are about to.

EXTRA, EXTRA, READ ALL ABOUT IT,  as paperboys used to shout on street corners as they tried to sell a few extra papers in their bag.


Jack Abramoff is singing like the proverbial canary as he tries to reduce his legal liability to something less than life in prison.

"Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely". The Republicans have let their power blind them to their sworn duty to the country, and instead have concentrated on self aggrandizement. This must stop, and we must hope that those who follow the fallen into power will have learned a lesson, and put duty to country before self.

Posted later: Listening to the talking heads bandy about the huge sums of money involved in this case caused this thought.

There can be no doubt that we have the best government money can buy.

Abramoff is rolling over on members of Congress, probably including Tom DeLay. Will Tom roll over on someone very high in the food chain? And if so, who might that be?

Abramoff said a curious thing in court today. One of his statements referred to forgivness by the "Almighty" Is it God he's referring to, or some mortal being with the power to pardon? Is there a subtle and veiled threat here?

Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry Interesting!




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