Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Will General Motors go bankrupt?

The automobile industry in the United States, once pre-eminent in the world, is sinking, and showing signs of being diminished to a shadow of what it once was. No doubt there are many reasons for this, some economic, and some due to mis-management and poor product lines that fail to meet market needs.

I heard part of an interview with Senator Biden today. Regarding the plight of General Motors, he made a telling statement. His contention is that GM operates at a 14% disadvantage to the foreign competition because of health care costs in the U.S.

Here is an example of rightwing ideology as relates to the role of government in the management of healthcare in this country that's putting our essential industries at risk, and putting the welfare of workers and their families at risk. And, at the same time impacts the well-being of the economy in general.

Several years age, Hillary Clinton tried to start a dialog in this country concerning healthcare, and was viciously savaged by  rightwing zealots.

Will we sacrifice our industry on the alter of ideology, or start taking a more pragmatic view of the necessary partnership between government, business, and workers? Nothing less than our survival as a major world power may depend on the answer to this question.

China is gaining fast.

11/23/05 follow up. The link will give an example of healthcare cost and inefficiency.

Click here: Paperwork is 21% of health costs / $ each year in state 26 billion goes to administration

11/24/05 Another nail in the coffin.


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