Saturday, April 28, 2012


I hear on both domestic and international news lots of yak about UNEMPLOYMENT, This seems to be a problem in all the industrialized nations. Politicians not part of the current governments always blame the incumbents for not doing enough to alleviate the problem. It's time to face the truh. There are TOO MANY PEOPLE on this Earth. The many economic systems around the globe are unable to provide for the overpopulation. You can't "squeeze blood from a turnip". Do you suppose that if much less money was spent on war, and used instead to provide necesary nutrition, housing, and medical care, our world would be a much better place?

Friday, April 27, 2012

SAN FRANCISCO – Jack Balestreri was 17 years old when he got a job helping build the Golden Gate Bridge. He had hoped to make it to the span's 75th anniversary next month. But Balestreri -- believed to be the last surviving bridge worker -- died of natural causes at his San Francisco home on April 21, the San Francisco Chronicle reported on Friday. He was 95. Read more: All those involved in the construction of the GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE were great people who designed and built a marvelous work of art. When I am in San Francisco and the Bridge comes into view, I never tire of it. Even if the day should come when the Bridge is no longer needed, it should be preserved, as are all great works of art.


A premature obituary for the death of Democracy. It won't be sudden. It won't be swift. However, it will be. Maybe not in the lifetime of this writer, but maybe not long after. The billionares who have no compunctions concerning the financing of far rightwing superpacs are dumping fortunes into the destruction of our way of life, and they are depending on the stupidity of many votors to go along with the program. Beware! These people are fascists who hate democracy and the one man, one vote principle. If allowed, they will take your vote and mine, your neighbors votes and more, and turn the political system against all of the people who love democracy and worship the Constitution of the United States. Wake up citizrns! Do not allow this grim scenario to happen.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


As I watch tv and hear all the yak about this "great one" and that "great one" it is clear that there arn't many "great ones". In show business, the Great One was Jackie Gleason. He was indeed, THE Great One. Since his passing, there has been none to equal him. Maybe there never will. Surely not in my lifetime.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent on stupid wars. Can there be any better indicator that we have lost our collective mind? We are close to the precipice of no return. The fall will be horrible and there will be little chance of recovery. Our way of life will disappear, not likely to ever return. Who will be in power then? The far right? The far left? Either will establish a dictatorial style of government and the average person will be little more than a serf to be whipped by the powerful. Beware! Once you take this bend in the road, there may be no return.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Secret Service?

Or serviced in secret? If these guys are so stupid that they can't sneak out to get a little without it becoming a major schemozzle, then how can they be smart enough to provide proper protection for the President? DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mittt the Twit

I have concluded that the main thing Romney has going for him is that he's white. I suspect that his bosses in the Republican Party know this. Their job will be to prevent him from saying all the stupid things that he believes and stick to the script. When the debates come about, Obama will play him for the fool.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Being a member of the SECRET SERVICE doesn't mean you can get serviced in secret by ladies of the night. In such an important job you must be, as was said about Ceasars wife, "above suspicion". If you can't keep it in your pants, keep it at home, idiots!


Among the seven deadly sins is greed. It would seem that the San Francisco Supervisors have fallen into this cesspool of sin by their greedy application of parking meters rules to Sundays. I'm sure their intentions are good, but I must remind them that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". i'm not a church goer, but I sympathize with those that feel the need to expiate their sins by attending religious services.
If this misbegotten law does go into effect.I suggest that every driver that receives a Sunday meter ticket request a jury trial. This will shake the Supes right out of their Sunday socks.

Monday, April 16, 2012


The SSS. SORRY SAPPY SEXMANIACS. Can you imagine these highly paid people behaving in such a reprehensible manner? I'm sure that the Repubbys will soon start crowing about the moral falibility of the Obama administration. I expect they will be dropping hints that the President was also indulging in this bad b3haviour. They are sickos. They will stop at nothing. They are traitors to their country. Off with their heads.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


If there was to be a grand prize for Grace in Design and Engineering, it would have to go to the GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE. One can never tire of the grand scope of the bridge, rising above the water and connecting two land masses. Very few works of man equal it. Ir is one of those inspirations that remind one of other great inspirations such as the Mass in B Minor by J.S. Bach. Both works embody perfection for the ages.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


The Tea Party loves war. Just don't tax them to pay for it. They are the party of the absurd. Something like ALICE THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS. "Jam yesterday and jam tomorrow,but never jam today. Louis Carroll for President!!

Friday, April 13, 2012


Mitt the Twit delivered a speech today to the NRA, (National Rifle Association}. A thought occurred to me concerning the meaning of "NRA". I propose that it be renamed "NUTTY ROMNEY ASSOCIATES". They deserve each other. Political bore and rifle bore.

Lets send them off with a BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


A mother's son has had his life cut short by cruel murder,random murder, senseless murder. What's to be done? Nothing can return the dead child to a loving family. No amount of justice sought and justice attained will asauage the pain of a distraught and heartbroken mother. Still, justice must be done, and punishment for evil deeds must be exacted to the maximum. "THOU SHALT NOT KILL"


We had Tricky Dick for President. We almost had a chance to have Tricky Rick for pres. But,alas and alack, Ricky-boy has dropped out. How sad for the Tea Pees. They had someone as f----d up as they are for a candidate, but sadly, no more. Now they have to vote for dog lover Mutt Rummy. What a woofer that will be! They should buy a big bus for the campaign and put Mutt in a cage on top. Drive it to Alaska.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mitt the Twit

Poor 'ol Mitt
He's a twit
He don;t know
A little bit

He's a bum
He's a crumb
He's so silly
Alnost dumb

Read and Heed

If you do GOOD
You will do WELL


Monday, April 9, 2012


To distill the theory of Communism down to the nitty-gritty, "share and share alike". In reality, it will never happen. Capitalism is the more natural human proclivity. Power to the rich and the poor are their slaves. This is also Republican doctrine.
I could never be a Republican. Nor could I be a Communist. Opportunity given should be the mantra of Democrats. Opportunity taken should be aim of all people.
Politicians love power, They are the modern versions of the people in the "Temple of the Money Changers. The claim to love Jesus. But,Jesus was the trouble maker who attacked the Temple of the Money Changers.
I can't imagine that Jesus would be a Republican if he returned to Earth. Republicans would be an anathma to Jesus.
Or, did I read it wrong?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Augusta National Golf Club

does not allow female members. Why is this? Do you suppose that the boys that run the place don't like girls? If that is so, what does that make them? Something queer going on here.

Monday, April 2, 2012


(04-02) 11:54 PDT Oakland --

"Several people were shot and apparently some were killed when a gunman opened fire inside a classroom at an East Oakland private university, authorities said."
In the United States of America,any lunatic can acquire a deadly weapon and randomly shoot innocent citizens. This is civic insanity,thanks to the NRA.

The Constitution says: "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

I think the wording needs some changes. Such as, "the right of a lunatic to bear arms and randomly kill innocent citizens shall not be infringed".