Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Trump the Rump is a total jackass. Pardon me Mr.Jackass for comparing a noble beast such as yourself to the ignoble jerk, The Donald. If by some impossible to imagine circumstance, such a fool should be elected President, we will be the laughing stock of the world.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Give me a break. If his Daddy hadn't been George W.Romney, a very successful businessman and saviour of Americah Motors, Mitt-boy would never have been heard of.
Let us as votors make sure he is never again heard of.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Regarding the article in the Chronicle on Sunday April 24, page A16, titled "Obama birth record available for all to see". The Republicans don't care about Obama's birth certificate. That has nothing to do with their hatred for him. Their hatred has everything to do with race. Lets get real here. If he was white there would be NO controversy.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Joe McCarthy Lives!

The Republicans loved Joe McCarthy. He made his name by beating up on people he called "communists". Hardly any of them were communists, but the reputations of many of them were ruined by "Tail gunner Joe". We have another would be politician/ Presidental candidate who is demogouging the issue of "birth". Maybe it's time to start a new rightwing political organization named the "John Birth Society" The looneys of the right will flock to join. I would join if I could be treasurer of the looney tuners. When the treasury reached 1 million bucks, I would write a check for the full amount and give it to President Obama. BTW, the name of the Joe McCarthy wannabe is Donald Trump.

Donald Trump
Fell on his rump
Now he's a grump.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


There have been several reports in the news recently about Air Traffic Controllers falling asleep on the job. This is bad. However, this is what is worse. Having only one controller on the job. Suppose the one person on the job becomes ill? Maybe he dies. Then what? A plane crashes and how many more die? This policy is just plain stupid.
For those who think it isn't stupid I have this question. Would you fly on an airliner with just one pilot? No co-pilot? I think not.


1. A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
2. Absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

When I hear the Repubbys talk about the kind of government they like, I am always reminded of the definition of "anarchy". However, it seems that they only complain about government when they are out of power. When they are in power, government and it's cost is always expanded. For proof of this, I offer the 8 years of Dubya "gummint", and the HUGE expansion of the National Debt."Gummint" is Texaastalk for "government". Mispronounced and stupid in concept and execution. Bush league for sure.

Thursday, April 7, 2011



Any member of Congress who votes for a Government shutdown should be arrested and tried for treason.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


FOX in this case in not a cute little animal that looks like a dog. Rather it is a rightwing "news" outfit that blathers BS. I say that the letters f-o-x stand for fatuous old xenophobes.