Wednesday, January 30, 2008


John Edwards said that he was going to "suspend" his campaign for president. As a trial lawyer, he chooses words carefully. The following is the 2nd paragraph from an email he sent his supporters today:
"Earlier today, I suspended my campaign for the Democratic nomination for the presidency. I made this announcement from where our journey began just over 12 months ago: New Orleans."
Dictionary definition:
Main Entry: sus·pend
Function: verb
Pronunciation: s&-'spend
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French suspendre to hang up, interrupt, from Latin suspendere, from sub-, sus- up + pendere to cause to hang, weigh
transitive senses
1 : to debar temporarily from a privilege, office, or function <suspend a student from school>
2 a : to cause to stop temporarily <suspend bus service> b : to set aside or make temporarily inoperative <suspend the rules>
3 : to defer to a later time on specified conditions <suspend sentence>
4 : to hold in an undetermined or undecided state awaiting further information <suspend judgment> <suspend disbelief>
5 a : HANG ; especially : to hang so as to be free on all sides except at the point of support <suspend a ball by a thread> b : to keep from falling or sinking by some invisible support (as buoyancy) <dust suspended in the air>
6 a : to keep fixed or lost (as in wonder or contemplation) b : to keep waiting in suspense or indecision
7 : to hold (a musical note) over into the following chord
intransitive senses
1 : to cease operation temporarily
2 : to stop payment or fail to meet obligations

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Bush’s tough talk on pork spending criticized


Bush thinks he will restore fiscal responsibility by limiting "pork" earmarks in the Fed budget. This from the idiot-in-chief who led the country into a stupid and cruel war that has been paid for by several trillions of dollars of debt, mostly owed to foreign powers.

The restoration of fiscal sanity by saving "small change" is like trying to control a forest fire by peeing on it.

Sunday, January 27, 2008



Saturday, January 26, 2008


Barack Obama, as winner of the South Carolina Democratic primary, is now the leader in the race for the Democratic nomination to run for President of the United States. For one, such as myself, who grew up under Jim Crow rules, this is a most remarkable development.
The Republicans will rant and rave that this "person" (read black person) doesn't have the experience to be President. These are the same people who voted for and elected George W Bush as president who, as we all know not only lacked experience, but worse lacked the intelligence to be a good president, and has given us 7 years of the worst presidency in our history.
No matter who wins the election for President, recovery from the disaster of the Bush administration will be long and difficult, and we will suffer the pain of it for a generation or more.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


The Fed is going to print some money to send out to people in the hope it will "stimulate the economy", and forestall inevitable economic turndown.
I can see it now. A lot of the checks (printed money) will be of a denomination that will buy a new flat screen tv set that's made in China. Do you see what's happening here? The "printed money" comes from more debt, some no doubt owed to China who gets interest on the money we owe them and profit from the goods we buy from them.
In the long run, how will this help our economy?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Todays Deficit is Tomorrow's Debt

Budget deficit will hit $250B in 2008

The budget deficit will grow to $250 billion this year, according to the Congressional Budget Office.


The 2008 budget deficit will soon be added to the trillions of dollars in debt due to the Bush Idiocracy and their stupid war and economic policies.

To paraphrase ancient wisdom, the debts of the fathers will be paid by their children for generations to come.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


The truth according to Tom Toles. San Francisco Chronicle, 1-20-08


Thursday, January 17, 2008

IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID (or the stupid economy)

The Washington Idiocracy is in full steam to do something, nay anything about the economy. Probably end up being a tax cut for the rich based on the "trickle down" theory popular during the Reagan idiocracy.
The tax cut will result in more debt, which will ultimately result in worse economic problems and the rich will get richer while the poor get poorer.
There's a good reason that economics is known as the "dismal science".
Wake up fools. Among the reasons we are in trouble and headed for more trouble is massive debt, much of it held by foreign powers such as China.
Will it reach the point where China forecloses on us?  Are we becoming a third world country, poor, debt ridden and constantly at war?
A wakeup call is coming and you may not like it.
I wrote the above yesterday, 1/17/08. Today the village idiot announced the following:
Bush Calls for $140 Billion Economic Aid Package
The debt rises. The situation eventually becomes worse. When will they ever learn?
If these people were MD's and you went to one complaining of a headache, the treatment would probably be amputation.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Traitor to the Constitution

Huckabee wants the Constitution to match ‘God’s standard.


from the constitution of the United States

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


The First Amendment makes it very clear that religion will not trump the Constitution. Huckebee is an idiot and a traitor to the foundation of our democracy. Shame on him!! Anyone who votes for this scoundrel is also a traitor to the genius of our forefathers. My Great-great-Grandfather fought in the Army of the Revolution and helped to create the freedoms we enjoy. Damn him who would diminish those freedoms.




Monday, January 14, 2008

Who will be President?

Of all the candidates for President, I believe that Joe Biden and Bill Richardson are the most qualified based on experience and intelligence. How sad it is that neither has a chance. Bill is gone. Joe is soon to go.
Where are WE going? When we get there, what will we do?
"I belong to no organized party. I am a Democrat."
                                                                                                             Will Rogers

Friday, January 11, 2008


If Mike Bloomberg jumps into the presidential race before the Florida primary, what does that do to Rudy G. and his strategy of putting all his resources into winning Florida? There must be a state of quiet panic in the Giuliani campaign.


Mozilo to get $110 million in Bank of America buyout
Who sez crime don't pay?????
Don't tell that to Angelo. You'll get laughed outta town.
Some poor dude sells an ounce of crack and gets hardtime. This jerk of jerks causes economic disaster on both macro and micro levels and walks away with millions and millions.
To invoke an ancient curse: "May the fleas of 1000 camels infest his armpits".

Thursday, January 10, 2008


John Kerry, a gentleman of character, intelligence and stature has endorsed for President, Barak Obama, a gentleman of character, intelligence and stature.
There may be hope that after the nightmares of these past 7 years, we will soon have in residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. a President of character, intelligence and stature.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Candidates Qualifications

Most of the presidential candidates brag about their accomplishments, and all the wonderful things they have done and the high positions they have held, governor, senator, dogcatcher. whatever.
As a for instance, Huckleberry Huckabee brags that being gov of Arkansas makes him better than the others, blah, blah, blah.
Huckleberry should consider that Rudy G. was mayor of New York City.
Arkansas population, 2,812,000.
New York City population, 8.215,000.
Does that give Rudy 3-4 times the experience of Huckleberry?
I doubt that either of them are up to the task of being president of all the United States.