Wednesday, September 26, 2007

More Bucks for Bush

Warrior-in-Chief Bush is going to ask Congress for $50 billion more for the Iraq war. Is it reasonable to assume that this money is strictly for Iraq, or is it a prelude to attacking Iran?
Whatever the case, we are like a man in quicksand. The more he struggles, the deeper he sinks                                                             Meanwhile, our country is sinking deeper and deeper into the unforgiving quicksand of the 3 D's.  Death. Debt. Doom.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Big Day at the UN

There may be history made today at the United Nations. The 2 biggest jerks in the world speak on the same day.

Monday, September 24, 2007

General Betray Us

The Bushites are in a state of high dudgeon over the ad referring to General Patraeus as "General Betray Us" Well golly gee, I feel so bad for them that I propose another name that may not cause them so many tears.
How about "General Praytellus"? As in General Praytellus, pray tell us:
How much longer will we be in Iraq?
How many more of our soldiers will die in Iraq?
Are we safer because they have died? Or is it all in vain?
How many trillions of dollars in debt will we be?
When will we get the oil that was supposed to pay for the war?
When we defeat al-Qaeda in Iraq, will they go away forever and not "follow us home"? Or will this disaster become the next "One-hundred Year War?
When this war has ruined the two party political system here, what sort of government will we have then?
General Praytellus, pray tell us.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


At some time in the future, whether it be the near future or distant, the deaths of innocent Iraqi citizens at the hands of Blackwater will be regarded as war crimes.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Letter to Senator Boxer

One can debate whether or not the "Gen. Betray Us" ad was appropriate.
What to my way of thinking is not debatable is that the General was playing political hack for Bush and his evil war. This justifies the criticism of the General implied in the ad.

Chairman Greenspan has articulated what I've believed for years. Iraq is about oil.
It's also about our permanent military presence in the area. This is what the neo-cons want, and what they are planning for.
War forever. Power forever.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Bring back the draft. There will be riots in the streets, Bush will be brought down, and the war will end.


lost in the desert
not a living soul in sight
struck down by lightning


Tuesday, September 18, 2007


How dare the Iraq government tell us that our Blackwater mercenaries can't shoot and kill Iraqi citizens. After all we've done for them? What ingrates they are. Maybe we should pack up and leave. That'ed show 'em.

Friday, September 14, 2007


Looks to me like one of the reasons for the "surge" was to be able to lower the troop numbers in time for the election. Cynical? Perhaps. However, there's nothing these scoundrels won't stoop to. They know the dum-dums that are their voter base.

Bush Iraq speech

I've said from the beginning of the Iraq war that the neo-con plan was for a permanent United States military presence in the Middle-east, the better to protect our oil interests, and other concerns. The Bush speech Thursday night would seem to confirm my theory.
OK Democrats, what are you going to do about this? Will there be decisive action. or more weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth while body bags of "fallen angels" return to grieving families ? It's your turn to stand up and be counted.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

And so it came to pass---------------

As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their hearts desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
 H. L. Mencken


As a practicing Democrat, I felt it necessary to watch on tv the Senate hearings in which Gen. Patraeus and Amb. Crocker testified as to their opinions on the Iraq disaster.
As a practicing Democrat, I need to say that I don't feel the Democrats are trying hard enough to extricate us from this most disastrous foreign policy mistake in our country's history.
As a practicing Democrat, I was sad to see that the most telling points were made by Republican Senator Warner. I suppose because he is retiring at the end of his term, he was able to do this. He forced Gen. Patraeus to admit that there was no al Queada in Iraq before the invasion. He also made the General admit that he didn't know if the Iraq war was making our country safer. That being the case, what the hell are we doing there?
Finally, as a practicing Democrat I propose that both parties change their names. For the Republicans, the obvious change will be to "War Party". Sad to say, for the Democrats the name may have to be the "Duh Party".
For sure, the above opinion won't be heard on FOX News. FOX stands for Foolish Old Xenophobes.*
NOUN: A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Petraeus Report

While listening to the report given by Petraeus and Crocker, one must remind one's self who they work for.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Laura Bush

Laura Bush goes in the hospital today to have her pain in the neck corrected. What happens to George then?

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

More on Larry Craig

Parody on an old Judy Garland song:
I was born in a trunk
In the Princess theatre in POCAFELLOW, Idaho