Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bush and Blair, what a pair

Bush, Blair discussed envoy role, Australia - 5 hours ago
US President George W. Bush has talked with Tony Blair about his becoming a Middle East envoy once he steps down as Britain's prime minister, ...

What's the matter Dubya? Conde can't do the job? No credibility? Blair is short on credibility also. You and your whole gang are incredible. The meaning of incredible in this case is: WITHOUT CREDIBILITY.

From the dictionary under "incredible":

Related words doubtful, dubious, far-fetched, fishy, flimsy, questionable, suspect, unlikely, unreasonable; hopeless, impossible; absurd, outlandish, preposterous, ridiculous; indefensible, insupportable, untenable

Stem cell research

Bush vetos stem cell research bill. What a big surprise! He uses religion to justify this, because it's his belief that souls are being murdered in the name of science.

We can only wish that he, in his fits of sanctimony, would consider the poor souls in Iraq that are being murdered to further his evil venture.

Maybe if Congress would promise Bush so many barrels of oil for each stem cell murdered, he would reconsider.

Everyone has their price ya know.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Email to my Congressman

Dear Congressman Lantos
I'm distressed by having to say this, but I believe that Congress has abandoned the majority of the American people and our desire to get out of this awful and hopeless war in Iraq.
Bush has guaranteed that terror will continue for generations, and every year tens of thousands of innocent people,us and them, will die in a vain cause.
This must stop. If it continues, evil will triumph, and democracy will die.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Scooter goes to jail

It's about time that one of the Bushits headed for the cold stone walls. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

For Scooter to catch a break, he needs to rat out his boss. Here is the real criminal, and upon his hands is the blood of tens of thousands. 

Scooter, do your duty for your country and tell the truth.

Or rot in Hell.