Wednesday, January 31, 2007

"throwing good money after bad"----------------

--------------is an old saying about people who never learn, and keep doing the same thing over and over again in the vain hope that it will finally work.

Does this describe Bush? One who is incapable of learning? His "surge" is all about throwing live bodies after dead. None of his children will come back in body bags.


“How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Vietnam -– How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?” -- John Kerry in his 1971 appearance before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee


Who is the poor soul to be the last to die for the miserable failure that inhabits the Oval Office?


Impeach Bush



Monday, January 29, 2007

Letter from Baghdad

Cong. Tom Lantos was in Iraq and Afghanistan with Cong. Nancy Pelosi and several other members of Congress. As a constituent I receive a regular email from Tom.


This is a paragraph from the latest email:

"What we saw and heard in Baghdad leaves me even more convinced than before that the Administration’s ‘stay the course’ approach will only lead us deeper into disaster.  Placing more of our troops in harm’s way in order to shore up a failed policy is unconscionably reckless and only compounds the mistakes already made."


Bush is an evil man who cares not a bit about how many have to die for him to get his way.


Sunday, January 28, 2007

Don't like the Iraq war?

Hang on for awhile. Maybe you'll like the Iran war better!


Thursday, January 25, 2007

"It's deja vu all over again"

There was Vietnam, now there's Iraq, and as Yogi Berra so famously said, " It's deja vu all over again".
As before, and now again are the cowardly politicians wringing their hands and plaintively crying that if we do the right thing we will be perceived as weak and irresolute to enemies and friends alike.
It must be said that it takes strength to do the right thing, and only the weak press on in a fool's errand that will only bring grief, destruction and death.
There's a line in a song by Pete Seeger that was popular during the Vietnam era:  "Oh when will they ever learn?"
When indeed.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Whither goeth the Union?

Very soon now, the Snake of the Union will speak to Congress about the State of the Union.

The State of the Union is disastrous. The Snake of the Union and his hench-snakes has brought it to this point.

Who can bring it back?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Death of Iraq

San Francisco Chronicle, Tuesday Jan. 16, front page. "Iraq refugee crisis exploding. 40% of middle class believed to have fled crumbling nation"

The destruction of the professional and middle class in Iraq can only bode ill for any hope of a stable democracy. These people are the glue that holds a country together. As the situation worsens, more and more of the backbone of the country will flee in search of a better life.

The people that remain in Iraq will be the poor and the radical. The radicals will find that the ranks of the poor are fertile ground for the growth of the terrorist movement.

Thus has Bush and his neocon cohorts insured a continual war that means a further rise in the power and influence of the military class in this country to the eventual diminishment of our freedom and economic well-being.

A monster has been created, and may in time devour both sides of the conflict.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Can Barack Obama win the Presidency?

The talking heads seem to think that Barack Obama's lack of experience is a serious impediment to his electability. Bush got elected without any relevant experience or knowledge.

The most important factor is intelligence. Obama has it in abundance. Bush is seriously lacking. Look at the mess we are in. Proof enough for me.

Impeach Bush



Bush, the Hypocrite

San Francisco Chronicle, Friday, January 12, 2007, front page center, "TEARS FOR A FALLEN MARINE". Bush looking pitiful with a tear running down his face. What a hypocrite! His tear is based on the knowledge that as President, he is an abject failure, and thousands have died as a result.
We won't have to wait for history to judge him. The judgement is now, immediate and swift. Like Nixon, he should resign, or face impeachment.
For a weepy-creepy picture, click on the link.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Fighting them on our shores

The far right neoconistas prattle on ad nauseum saying that if we don't achieve victory in Iraq, we will soon be fighting the terrorists on our shores.
Anybody remember Vietnam and the "threat" of monolithic communism? The propagandists said that if we didn't defeat the commies in Vietnam, they would take over the world and our way of life would be gone.
Well, we lost in Vietnam and pulled out. Communism since then has gradually lost power and adherents, and in China and Russia capitalism is growing and growing.
Is there any possibility that we can learn anything from history? The philosopher George Santayana famously said: "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it".

Can the Iraq troops "stand up"?

Bush wants more troops in Iraq to help the Iraq army until they can "stand up" and handle the situation on their own.

Stupid!                                                                                                  I

I remember the first Iraq war, and the early part of the present war. In both cases, the Iraq army fell apart and ran.

How can anyone think that it will be different now?

Impeach Bush




Tuesday, January 9, 2007

More troops for the Bush War?

I keep hearing propaganda from the right saying in effect that the great majority of soldiers in Iraq want to be there and believe that they are involved in a noble undertaking,

To this I say,  BOVINE SCATOLOGY!!!!

Here's my proposal. Poll the troops individually Assure absolute annonimity.  My money says that 90% will say, "I'm outta here!!

The 10% that believe in this crap can stay as soldiers of fortune and assist the Iraqis 'til Hell freezes over, or Saddam II takes power. Give each of them a million bucks. Good deal for them. Better deal for the rest of us.

Impeach Bush.

Two admonishments for Bush

Concerning Bush's upcoming speech:

Proverbs 16:18

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."



A tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Macbeth, 5.



Monday, January 1, 2007

Haiku for 2007