Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Global Warming and Dubya

San Francisco Chronicle
Warming forecast: economic disaster
British study says failure to act could cost 20% of world income

Kim Murphy, Los Angeles Times

Tuesday, October 31, 2006



Here we go again. Liberals whining about global warming.

If this was true wouldn't Dubya the Great have told us so? After all, as we know, Dubya talks to God, and surely God gives him the straight dope on all matters.

Maybe if we wait for Dubya's next trip to the Mount at Camp David,  he can retrieve the stone tablets with revealed truth for the edification of all.

Fear not and have faith. The Dub knows all and tells all. Blessed be the name of the Dub.


Wednesday, October 25, 2006

"Stay the course" becomes "More of the same?

Bush Offers Sobering Assessment of Iraq War
Published: October 25, 2006

WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 — President Bush offered a sobering assessment of the war in Iraq today, acknowledging his concerns about the campaign but reaffirming his determination that United States forces stay in the country until “the job is done.”



Bush seems to be saying that we'll be in Iraq until, "the job is done". Sounds like "stay the course" to me.

How much blood on our hands will be enough? How much more of our national honor and fortune will be spent on this evil scheme?

Have we reached a point of no return?

On November 7th, throw the scoundrels out.

Sadly enough, to control Congress, we must reelect some Democrats that for reasons of ignorance, stupidity, or lack of backbone supported Bush and his war. Now they whine that they didn't know, or they wern't told the truth. Give me a break! These people are in a position of power, and have the resources to determine the facts.

Political cowardice!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

"Stay the course"

San Francisco Chronicle
President clarifies 'stay the course'
It really means 'constantly adjusting the tactics,' he declares

Peter Baker, Washington Post

Tuesday, October 24, 2006



Desperate people scrambling about, trying in vain to rescue their foolish and failed policies.

Here's the message for Bush and his henchmen: "Cut, and run"!

"Cut" the Republicans loose, "and run" them out of town.

Save our country.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Looming Disaster in Iraq

General concedes failure in Baghdad
Bush acknowledges comparison to '68 Tet offensive in Vietnam

Anna Badkhen, Chronicle Staff Writer

Friday, October 20, 2006



We are lost at sea on a ship of fools with a moron at the helm. You, the reader, may replace "a moron" with whatever name that seems appropriate. There are many.

When election day comes, it will be time to "throw some of them overboard". Sadly enough, the prime architects of this horrible  fiasco will still be in office for 2 more years. We must get a Congress that will rein them in.

However, it's too late to undo the damage. We've made a billion implacable enemies.

"The sins of the father are to be laid upon the children." - Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice," act III, sc. V, l. 1

How true. Generations from now will pay the price for the evils of today.

Monday, October 9, 2006

Iraq. No Exit

Experts see no clear options for exiting Iraq



The Bushites seem to have convinced themselves that they can walk on water. In this case however, the water has turned to quicksand, and as they sink inexorably into the grasping mire, they drag the rest of us with them. And as we sink, there seems to be no one willing to throw a rope and try to extricate us.
Down and down we go.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Congressional Oxymoron

House Ethics Committee

Power corrupts the Republicans


Lord Acton's epic warning that "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely"

     Historian Lord Acton (1834-1902) issued epic warnings that political power is the most serious threat to liberty.


Has this warning ever had more relevance than to the current state of our national government?

If these scoundrels aren't run out of office and out of Washington, liberty is in danger.


They that can give up essential liberty
to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety


Great men and great thinkers have given us great advice. Are we smart enough to listen and act?

Monday, October 2, 2006

Holy Moly, it's Rep. Foley




Bush brags about the education bill, "No Child Left Behind"

For Foley, it's "Any child's behind".

This guy is a criminal. When will he be busted?