Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Is there intelligent life------

-------in the halls of government? Or is it a government by negative bb's?

What, you may ask, does this mean? There is so much yak-yak going around about the seeming intractable mess the Republicans have made, both at home and in Iraq. And the questions hangs in the air, "what is the Democrat plan"? Is there a plan? There better be, or we are truly governed by negative bb's. The Republicans have negative b(rains), and the Democrats have negative b(alls).


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Ship is Sinking

The rats are deserting. Andy Card, Bush's Chief of Staff is leaving. Has Andy had enough of the stench of war and corruption? How many other Bushies will start to be concerned about their future after they are all tarred by the same brush?

The gang that can't shoot straight has lost another shooter.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Pusillanimous pontification

Listening to some talking heads rambling on about the mess in Iraq, and what can the Republicans do before the election to be sure to hold the congressional seats that are up in November. 

Give me a break! These folks were dumb enough to get us in this mess, and we're supposed to believe that they are smart enough to get us out?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

I am disillusioned

I remember presidents back to Franklin D. Roosevelt. As I was growing up, I would hear it said that in the USA, anyone could become president. I would think, "how can that be"? It seemed obvious to me that one would have to be really, really smart to be president.

Guess what? I was wrong.

P.S. Note to Bill Maher. You can use this line if you want.

No good deed goes upunished

Charges for sheriff who confiscated Katrina ice?By Associated Press
Published March 25, 2006

JACKSON, Miss. - Randy Walker says he would have died from his diabetes after Hurricane Katrina had a sheriff not seized two FEMA trucks filled with ice and distributed it to residents, many of whom had to keep their insulin cold.

Now, that sheriff could be prosecuted on charges of interfering with a federal operation.



In the face of FEMA incompetance and mismanagement, someone had the courage and guts to take charge and do what needed to be done. Now he may be prosecuted. If that happenes, it will be the perfect illustration of the old adage, "no good deed goes unpunished".

The time has come for the voters to show some brains and guts, and punish the fools in Washington that are ruining our country, by running them out of office.


Friday, March 24, 2006

Dubya has all the answers

It seems that the great Dubya has the answer to port security. By ignoring global warming, he insures that the oceans rise, flooding the ports, and BINGO!!  no more port security problem. Brilliant!!             


Melting ice could raise levels up to 20 feet by 2100, scientists say

David Perlman, Chronicle Science Editor

Friday, March 24, 2006

Saturday, March 18, 2006

"Mission Accomplished"

Well, here we are after 3 years of war in Iraq, and almost that long since Bush strutted like a poppinjay across the carrier deck emblazoned with "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" banners, and infamously declared victory.

Where are we now? Deeper and deeper in the hole of immorality, death, and fiscal disaster.

Where and when will it end? Can it ever end? Bush and his gang have created for us billions of enemies that will hate us for generations. Will the self proclaimed champion of democracy for the Middle East be the death of democracy here at home?

Who can lead us out of this suffocating quagmire? The incompetent Republicans are clueless and the Democrats have no balls. They won't even back one of their own, Sen. Feingold, who wants to at least start a dialog in Congress over Bush and his disastrous presidency.

Wake up people, or "Government of the people, by the people and for the people" may be in serious danger.


"-----when will they ever learn--------"

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Bush liberated Iraq

Bush has liberated Iraq from Saddam. Now Iraq is enslaved by a grim and gruesome civil war that will only get worse as long as we are there.

When we leave, as someday we must, a new "Saddam" will take power, and all the death and destruction will have gone for naught.

"when will they ever learn---------"

Friday, March 10, 2006

Did we get a "Snow" job on the port deal

Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snow was former head of CSX, the company that owned the port operations, and was instrumental in the Dubai deal. What did he expect to gain from this deal. Did he do a big "Snow" job on Bush, Congress and the American people? Is it time for a special prosecutor?

It may be possible that the port deal was not a bad thing, but it was so poorly handled as to acquire a very bad smell. Political incompetance is running rampant, and how much more can we stand?

Thursday, March 9, 2006

Port deal flop

The Dubai port deal has gone down in flames, or has it?

What a story of Bush failure and political incompetance this has been. We're are supposed to believe that this was a done deal with Dubai before Bush knew about it. How can that be? Is the president a mushroom, kept in the dark and fed CENSORED,( well known bovine end product)? It would seem so. Maybe Dubya didn't have a clue, but I'll bet that ShotgunDick Chaney knew what what coming down.

Was this a deal that would make Machiavelli look like a piker? Did Cheney know it would fall apart? The word is that Dubai will "transfer" the deal to a U.S. "entity", whatever that means. Is it possible that this "entity" is Cheney's old company, Halliburton? Would you be surprised?  Do you feel more secure?


Bush in New Orleans




Tuesday, March 7, 2006

A great man has died

Photographer, director Gordon Parks dies at 93

Those of us that love great photography as an art and a graphic illustrator of the human condition, have lost one of the great practitioners of the art. May he rest in peace.

Friday, March 3, 2006

How low can they go?

The Bush administration from inception has gone through 3 phases. Seeming disengagment (pre 9/11), reckless ignorance (invading Iraq), and pathetic performance (Iraq, Katrina, Port Deal, etc.)                                                                                                    

Bush in the dark on the port deal is so politically blind as to be pathetic. Bush and his people's performance, pre Katrina, during Katrina and post Katrina is appallingly pitiful. Still spouting platitudes about democracy in Iraq is either stunning demagoguery, plain old stupidity, or both.

In light of the video showing Bush and his flunkys being warned about Katrina and the volume of water expected to top the levees, how can they continue to stonewall? You don't need a Phd. in hydrology to see how that volume of storm driven water flowing over the top of old levees is going to start washing them away, and in consequence create massive flooding.

Even Republicans must start waking up now.

Wednesday, March 1, 2006

A stinky deal

I have a name for the port deal that I think is a perfect description, and should stick like "Watergate". I propose we call it "Port-a-Potty", because it sure does stink.


Later: How about "Port-a-pottygate?  These things always seem to need a "gate" as a suffix.