Bush thinks that there will be a viable democracy in Iraq, and when there is, and the Iraqi army can provide adequate security, we will be able to withdraw our troops.
In a word: HOGWASH!
If there is a democratic government in Iraq, it isn't likely to survive without our soldiers there to make sure it does. If our soldiers aren't there, a democracy created as a result of our invasion will be viewed by the surrounding Islamic states as a client government of the United States, and therefore a continual threat to the surrounding states, and one that must be eliminated. Do you remember when we invaded, how quickly the Iraqi army folded? Why would it be different the next time?
Are we facing perpetual war with Islam? Can we survive such a scenerio?
I believe with certainty that we invaded Iraq to gain control over a very large oil reserve, and divide Iran and Syria geographically with a military base, all the better to protect Israel, and enrich our oil companies.
Bush and the neo-cons have put us in a severe bind, and the end is not is sight.
In 17th century Europe, there was a 30 year war. Is that what we are facing in the Mid-east?
Citizens of the United States should think long and hard about what we may be facing and what may be the cost.